Mohammed is a true talent, unique in his kind!

Christiano Ronaldo lookalike mohamed taha

Because Mohammed’s looks are so similar to Cristiano Ronaldo’s, he is the perfect look alike for commercials, campagnes, promotion acts, shows, parties and other marketing related business.
As a real Cristiano Ronaldo fan, sportsman and entertainer Mohammed gets people excited and relaxed in the same way. He knows how to interact in a funny and professional way. His positive attitude, enthousiasm and drive makes it easy working together with Mohammed.

To give you an example of one of his marketing stunts, check out the video down below where he got hired by Nike for a short part in one of there video-commercials.

Hire the lookalike of Cristiano Ronaldo

Are you interested in hiring Cristiano Ronaldo’s lookalike? Like to see what the conditions are? Please contact us or check out other pages of the CR7 Lookalike.